09 October 2007

Allow the nouvelle vague inspire you...

On Monday 15 October we will be screening Alain Resnais' 1959 film Hiroshima mon amour at 6:30 P.M. in the SMIL screening room.

Roughly fifty years ago groups of young cinema fans met at ciné clubs like ours and watched movie after endless movie. Some of these film lovers started the cahier du cinéma and eventually became some of the most acclaimed film makers of any generation. It all started with watching films. Be us production or studies students, we are all here because we love to watch movies. They entertain us; make us cry and make us laugh; scare us; teach us; and most of all, change us. Movies shape who we are, open our eyes and show us the world in a different way each time we gaze at the screen. It all begins with watching. Ask any famous director and you'll get a story about the first film that was his inspiration. How can we better ourselves as filmmakers and film scholars if we do not watch films.

Ciné Club is here for all of us, to provide a forum to watch and discuss films outside of the classroom environment. You can bring your ideas, your thoughts and even your favourite movies to the club to an atmosphere that welcomes discussion. If you are a production student you can learn some neat tricks to use in your next film or discuss film-making ideas with other students. As a studies student you can rub off of the production folks and share with them ideas on how to make smarter films. Best of all we can get together and work as a team, without the lines that separate our two programme streams. We can contribute to each other, take up projects together. In Ciné Club we are all on equal ground because we all love film.

Ciné Club needs new members. We need individuals who will join us in making this club one that is available and a benefit to all film students. We are not just a group that screens films. We are comprised of individuals willing to fight to secure film students opportunities and events that would otherwise pass us by. We are interested in inviting guest speakers, in bringing in rare and interesting films, and providing students with an opportunity to present their own works. We will be working on a programme of short films and hopefully this will include works by fellow undergraduate and graduate students. Yet, we need your support to make this happen. If you are interested in helping us out, either as an active group member who will participate in organising events, as a rep for your year, or simply as a voting member with no other obligations, we are interested in hearing from you. Please contact us and let us know who you are and what interests you about film and Ciné Club. Help us make Ciné Club something we can all be proud to be a part of.


Jason and Kerry-Anne


Unknown said...

I'm going to be working on a Film History essay on Monday, so my attendance at the screening might be up in the air (depends on how much I get done).

Anonymous said...

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